International Express letter with perfin “A.R.R.” in both stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 35 + 5 øre = 40 øre, the rate for International letters from October 1st 1907 to Januar 31th 1921 was 20 øre and 20 øre was extra fee for International Express in the period from July 1st 1892 to January 31th 1921. The stamp is cancelled February 28th 1916 with Kjøbenhavn B 59a Kjøbenhavn 14B. Bro IIIb-2.
A 56 A Rindom & Restorff
A. Rindom & Restorff
Farvergade 8
1463 København V (B)

“A.R.R.” has been seen used in the period from March 1912 to June 1952
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
A. Rindom & Restorff was a Whole sale company founded in 1892.