International letter with perfin “B.C.” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 25 øre, which was the rate for international letters from January 1st 1927 to October 31th 1933. The stamp is cancelled December 31th 1932 with TMS Nr. 30.4 København *OMK*
B 16 Brødr. Cloëtta
Brødr. Cloëtta
2400 København N (L)

“B.C.” has been seen used in the period from May 1920 to May 1965
17. 11.
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Cloëtta or right The brothers Cloëtta’s Steam-Chocolate Factory was one of Denmark’s first chocolate factories, founded in 1862 by the Swiss brothers Bernhard, Christoph and Nuttin Cloëtta.
In 1848 the Swiss Bernhard Cloëtta came to Copenhagen and two years later his brothers Christoph and Nuttin arrived. In 1862 the three enterprising brothers founded a chocolate factory in the Sortedam Mill based on the latest techniques from Paris. The brothers sold their products from a store in town, and the chocolates quickly became famous and sought after for their superior quality. In 1865 the factory was moved to Niels Hemmingsens Gade. After Christoph Cloëtta’s death in 1897, brother Bernhard returned to Switzerland, while Christoph’s widow and son Fritz operated the factory. The chocolate factory was expanded again in 1901 with a new large building in Hørsholmsgade, making the factory the largest in the Nordic region. The factory building was designed by architect Ludvig Knudsen and is still found next to the contemporary building for the Schioldann Foundation.
In 1873 a branch was established in Malmö and in 1896 one in Kristiania.
The factory came on Swedish hands in 1917, when Svenska Chokladsfabrik AB took over the majority shareholding from the Cloëtta family, and in 2000 Cloëtta teamed up with another chocolate factory, Finnish Fazer, under the name Cloëtta Fazer. At the end of 2008, Fazer again became part of the Fazer Group, while Cloëtta became an independent listed company listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange on December 8, 2008. In December 2011, Cloëtta merged with Leaf and the group was renamed Cloëtta AB.