International letter with perfin “BD” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 20 øre kr, which was the rate for letters in the period from July 1st 1940 to April 30th 1955. The stamp is cancelled November 12th 1948 with København Omk Nr. 275, København Omk.18 Bro Vd-1
B 18 Brødrene Dahl
Brødrene Dahl
København B

GPD: 3546 af 05.1895
“BD” has been seen used in the period from August 1895 to June 1961
14 13
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Brødrene Dahl is founded in 1867 by Niels Peter Smith Dahl and William Sophus Dahl and still existing.