International letter with perfin “B.&T.” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 3 x 60 øre = 180 øre, 60 øre was the rate for international letter to USA from June 1st 1952 to May 15th 1965, and 40 øre for each additional 5 g, 15 g = 120 øre which was the rate for air mail in the period from July 1st 1953 to July 1st 1971. The stamp is cancelled December 5th 1955 with København NV Nr. 11 København NV 3. Bro Vd-1
B 47 Blauenfeldt & Tvede
Blauenfeldt & Tvede
Frederikssundvej 7
2400 København NV

GPD: Nr. 1735 af 03.1902
“B.&T.” has been seen used in the period from June 1902 to April 1975
18. 14 11.
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
No history yet