D56 De danske Mejeriers Fælleindkøb

Domestic post card with perfin “D.M.F.” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as printed matter with 5 øre, which was the rate for printed matter from  July 1st 1930 to June 30th 1940. The stamp is cancelled March 31th 1931 with København K. nr.209 København K.27 Bro Vd-1

D 56 De danske Mejeriers Fælleseindkøb

De danske Mejeriers Fællesindkøb
St. Kongensgade 110
1264 København K

“D.M.F.” has been seen used in the period from March 1907 to November 1955



Known positions

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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.