Domestic registered parcel letter with perfin “H” in the stamp. The letter isn’t franked correctly with 10 x 3,80 kr + 2 x 2,80 kr = 43,60 kr, 18 kr was the rate for parcels 0 to 5 kg in the period from January 14th 1985 to January 12th 1986 and 25 kr was the extra fee for registering in the period from January 14th 1985 to January 12th 1986, so over franked with 60 øre. The stamp is cancelled April 4th 1985 with Bro IId Silkeborg **
H 01 Hjemmeværnet
Distrikt 25
8600 Silkeborg

“H” has been seen used in the period from November 1956 to December 2001
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
No history yet.