International post card with perfin “H&I in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 7 + 2 + 1 øre = 10 øre, which was the rate for international post cards in the period from  July 1st 1902 to June 30th 1919. The stamp is cancelled December 1st 1920 with a whole letter cancellation machine Tp. SP. 4B. Bro II Med KØ i København.

H 35 Hartz & Jöns

Hartz & Jöns

Farvergade 17
1463 København K (B)

GPD 16450 af 12.1908

“H&I” has been seen used in the period from December 1908 to June 1946


16 15 7

Known positions

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* * * *

Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.

No history yet.