International parcel letter with perfin “J.T.” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 2 x 50 + 15 + 25 øre = 140 øre, which was the rate for international parcels 1 to 5 kg in the period from July 1st 1926 to June 30th 1930. The stamp is cancelled September 17th 1929 with København 1 Nr. 10, København 1. Bro Vc. København Omk. Nr 265a in the lower right corner is very rare.
J 39 Julius Therp
Julius Therp
Østergade 23
1100 København K

“J.T.” has been seen used in the period from Januar 1923 to May 1933
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
No history yet