Domestic letter with perfin “M.M.E.” in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as printed matter with 4 øre, which was the rate for domestic printed matters from January 1st 1875 to December 31th 1918. The stamp is cancelled July 5th 1906 with Odense JB.P.E Bro Ia
M 25 Marius Madsens efterfølgere
Marius Madsens efterfølgere
Vestergade 57
5000 Odense

“M.M.E.” has been seen used in the period from March 1899 to March 1915
Known positions
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Green indicates the Perfin position on the current item.
Marius Madsens efterfølgere was a paper whole sale company and a paper bag factory founded in 1888 and end in 1970