International registered letter with perfin "LB" in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 90 øre, 60 øre was [...]
L16 Den danske Landmandsbank
Morten Mikkelsen2020-05-03T07:33:45+02:00International letter with perfin "LB" in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 20 + 10 øre = 30 [...]
L16 Den danske Landmandsbank
Morten Mikkelsen2020-05-03T07:42:22+02:00International letter with perfin "LB" in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 25 øre, which was the rate [...]

T27 Dampskibsselskabet TORM
Morten Mikkelsen2020-11-08T17:54:06+01:00International air mail letter with perfin "TORM" in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 60 øre + 1.20 [...]