Domestic letter with perfin "H" in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 160 øre, which was the rate [...]
K10 Gasværkerne, Installationsafdelingen
Morten Mikkelsen2020-04-19T07:51:55+02:00Domestic letter with perfin "K.B." in the stamps. The letter is not franked correctly with 1,50 kr, the rate for [...]
K10 Københavns Belysningsvæsen
Morten Mikkelsen2020-04-19T07:39:53+02:00Domestic letter with perfin "K.B." in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 30 + 5 øre = 35 [...]
K10.4 Københavns Belysningsvæsen
Morten Mikkelsen2020-04-19T08:54:17+02:00Completion of Light installation with perfin "K.B." in the tax stamps. This perfin is only known in this kind af [...]