Domestic post card with perfin "JAR" in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 10 øre, which was the [...]

J10a Kreditforeningen af ejere af mindre ejendomme paa landet i Jylland
Morten Mikkelsen2020-03-28T09:05:41+01:00Domestic letter with perfin "J.H.K." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 25 øre, which was the rate [...]

J10a Kreditforeningen af ejere af mindre ejendomme paa landet i Jylland
Morten Mikkelsen2020-03-28T09:18:32+01:00Domestic COD with perfin "J.H.K." in the stamp. The COD is franked correctly with 3 x 15 øre = 45 [...]

J40 Jydsk Telefon-Aktieselskab
Morten Mikkelsen2020-04-12T07:27:06+02:00Domestic cash on delivery (COD) with perfin “J.T./A.” in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 2 x 5 [...]