Domestic letter with perfin "C.S." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as comercial documents with 15 øre, which [...]

C53 Carl Stenders Kunstforlag A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2019-09-13T16:35:10+02:00Printed matter with perfin "C.S." in the stamp. The printed matter is franked correctly with 6 øre, which was the [...]

CIF05,3 PSF Forlaget
Morten Mikkelsen2021-01-01T18:52:25+01:00Domestic letter with perfin "21" in the stamps. The letter is franked correctly with 10 kr, which was the rate [...]

D11 Dansk Bladforlag A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2019-12-15T10:23:42+01:00International letter with perfin "D.B." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 40 øre, which was the rate [...]