Domestic post card with perfin "C.K." in the stamp. The letter is not franked correctly with 15 øre, the rate for [...]
C43 Carl Lassen’s Filial
Morten Mikkelsen2019-09-15T13:19:11+02:00International post card with perfin "C.L." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 10 øre, which was the [...]
C48 C. M. Hess’ Fabrikker A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2021-04-10T15:41:44+02:00Domestic post card with perfin "C.M./H." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as printed matter with 10 øre, [...]
C50 A/S Chr. Olsen
Morten Mikkelsen2019-09-14T17:17:22+02:00Domestic post card with perfin "C.O." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly with 10 øre, which was the [...]