Domestic post card with perfin "H.R." in the stamp. The post card is franked correctly with 15 øre, which was [...]

H61 Hermann Raffel A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2020-03-07T13:59:17+01:00Domestic letter with perfin "H.R." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as comercial documents with 15 øre, which [...]
H61 Hermann Raffel A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2020-03-07T14:16:27+01:00International parcel letter with perfin "H.R." in the stamp. The parcel letter is franked correctly with 70 + 70 +10 [...]

H62 Helsingør Skibsværft og Maskinbyggeri A/S
Morten Mikkelsen2020-03-08T07:57:08+01:00Domestic post card with perfin "H.S." in the stamp. The letter is franked correctly as printed matter with 6 øre, [...]